It's been almost 3 years since this beautiful and unexpected birth experience. Although I wrote the story one week after he was born, I haven't shared it until now. I felt disappointed and ashamed about transferring to the hospital and not having the homebirth we planned which I think prevented me from sharing for awhile. I also felt grateful and happy we still had a natural birth with no major interventions and many beautiful moments during the birth. I was born at home and so were both my siblings so I assumed my children would be as well, but the universe had different plans. As we prepare for the birth of our second child, due in one week, the story keeps coming back to me and begging to be shared. So here it is...
Gray Roland Oscar arrived Saturday, May 21st 2011, at 7:01am, 1 week before his due date. He was a healthy and beautiful 8lb 1oz, 20.5 inches long. I had been feeling cramping and Braxton Hicks periodically throughout the week. Friday evening I began feeling lower back pain and some contractions after sitting for awhile to Skype and show off the belly to my brother. I thought I'd either sat too long in one position or it might be time for baby to come, but the sensations were very irregular. So when Matt came home from work around 8pm feeling sick with a cold, we ate a good meal of our favorite takeout (Nopalito) and talked with excitement about the baby possibly coming soon. We both felt tired and that we could be in for a long night so around 10pm we decided to sleep and see what happened overnight.
I woke up about midnight and realized I could no longer lay down and these were the steady surges I had read about coming over me like ocean waves. I immediately woke Matt up and told him to get ready. The labor was intense and progressed fast which caught Matt and I both by surprise. As he prepared our bed and tried to get the birth tub setup, I contacted friends who had offered to help but everyone was unavailable. I then called my mom (who was living in the Boston area) for support while Matt did preparation. I was timing the contractions on Matt's phone which he setup as a stopwatch to track them for me. I talked with my mom, who was living in Boston, for support until my phone died. I mainly wanted to stand and lean (on the table, dresser, sink) and remembering "juicy hips" from Jane's class really helped as well as Matt doing massage we practiced in class.